Red Canyon Powwow 2022


On behalf of the powwow committee, we wanted to thank everyone who attended the Red Canyon Powwow, especially our dancers and singers! Special thank you to Randall Paskemin, Paula Weaselhead, Taylor Cheíí Begay, Michael Tasso, Jerry Bear and family, and Terry Paskemin (Blackstone singers) for joining us this weekend as our head staff.

Thank you, vendors, community members, sponsors (Waterford Upstart, Navajo Strong, Grand County Economic Development, Utah Division of Indian Affairs, Turtle Island Collective, Sacred Circle Health Care, the Jansen family, and the Crane family), donors, and partners, for contributing to this year’s rocker! Shoutout to the Powwow committee for their dedication to our community and for showing tremendous leadership throughout the weekend. Special thank you to Indigenous Health and Wellness Connections - IHAWC for being this year's host org for our Powwow. Thank you to the town of Moab and Grand County for your support. Special thank you to our pipe carriers and elders for their prayers that everyone gets home safe and that we have a good Powwow.

Here are some small numbers to show you:

1. Last year, we had 187 dancers attend. This year we had 274.

2. Last year, we had four drum groups attend. This year we had nine.

3. Last year, we had a total of 21 vendors. This year we had 43.

4. Last year, we had 900 people walk thru during the weekend. This year we had 1,216.

5. Last year, we had a total of 39 volunteers. This year we had 54.

These are indicators that this is officially Utah’s fastest-growing Powwow!

Siyisgaas, Miigwetch, Wohklew, Ahe'hee’, Thank You. We will see you next year on October 21-22, 2023!

Red Canyon Powwow Committee.


Intermountain Championships Powwow 2023